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Amanda Stores

Find Hope by Reading the Bible from Cover to Cover

A Session by Amanda Stores (Amanda Stores Art and Design)

About this Session

Reading the entire Bible can sound quite intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. It took two years for Amanda to read the Bible from cover to cover with two little ones. Once you hear this session, you'll have an easy outline to follow, hear how reading can impact your family and hear the constant theme the Bible reflects as you read. All that matters is you start and the 391 page freebie from this session will encourage you and get you started.

Exclusive Offers

Register for this Session to unlock these exclusive offers.

20% All wood burned and painted original artwork by Amanda Stores. Every line is wood burned and every color is painted by hand. There are beautiful floral bouquets of various hues ranging in sizes from a 5" x 5" all the way up to a 18" x 24" wooden canvas. Only valid from October 14 - 18, 2020 Use the code : HOPEINTHELORD

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391 Page Bible Journal Freebie

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About The Speaker

Amanda Stores

Amanda Stores

Amanda Stores Art and Design