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Sara Bryant

Waymaker - Hope in the Lord (Christ) through Loss

A Session by Sara Bryant (Owner/Founder, Keys of the Kingdom)

About this Session

In 2014, my husband and I lost our first daughter when I was 24w 2d pregnant. It was one of the most difficult times in my life. At first, I was very angry with God. I believe that salvation includes healing for our spirit, soul, and body. So I was angry that God did not save my daughter.

After some time, lots of LOUD discussion with God, and much prayer, I came to the realization that the enemy (NOT God) comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God (Jesus) came so that we could have life abundantly.

Through the loss of my daughter, I realized that we can do one of two things when faced with such a devastating loss: 1) we can run from God and blame Him. OR 2) we can run to God for healing, peace, and comfort - through which He will use to comfort others.

You know that you are not alone going through loss. First, and foremost, God is with you and wants to comfort and heal you. There are also many others who will reach out when you are ready. I hope my story and journaling help you in some way to know that you can run to God for help as you go through your loss(es).

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About The Speaker

Sara Bryant

Sara Bryant

Owner/Founder, Keys of the Kingdom

Sara is an ordained minister of the Gospel. She has traveled to foreign countries for missionary work as well as done ministry work at home in the US. Sara studied Speech Communication.